• Career Coaching
  • Wealth Coaching
  • Personal Coaching

What are you waiting for? Start Now.

There’ll never be a better time than right now to start working towards your dreams and ambitions, so what are you waiting for?

Do you want to change careers? Have you always wanted to start your own business? Have you been thinking about learning to play a musical instrument? Do you wish you could be rich? Do you yearn for someone special in your life? Have you been dreaming about travelling the world for a year?

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Get Moving – Out Of Your Comfort Zone

comfort zoneHuman beings naturally tend to seek out the easiest path, and when we find a way that works for us, we tend to stick to it. This is great, but sometimes we can become so entrenched in our ways and settled into our comfort zone, it can inhibit us from achieving what we really want!

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To Get What You Want, Have A Plan

planIf you want to achieve anything of significance in life, you must plan for it. It doesn’t just happen by accident. Did NASA put a man on the moon by chance? Was  Everest conquered by mistake? Did Madonna become one of the most successful entertainers of all time through luck? All these things require a burning desire to achieve, and great planning. [Read more…]

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

thinking“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven” – John Milton, from the 17th century poem Paradise Lost. How our thinking affects our wellbeing is not a new idea.

Cognitive Behavioural Coaching research shows that all our emotions and all our actions come from our thinking. Once you grasp this simple concept, you have the power to change your life for the better. The way we think about things has a huge influence on our level of happiness, our career, and success in life. [Read more…]

When Bad Things Happen: Boost Your Resilience

resilienceBad things happen all the time – it’s part of life. Your relationship breaks down, you lose your job, you get sick, a friend betrays you. But how we react to these events is much more important than the event itself, and we can learn how to build our resilience to unexpected events. [Read more…]

Get the Job You Want

Now is the time to take charge of your career and get the job you want. It may be the time to evaluate your current employment situation and to seek out new and exciting opportunities. [Read more…]

Motivation: How to get it and keep it


Do you have trouble maintaining your motivation? Do you go in with all guns blazing at the start of a project, only to find your enthusiasm waning as time goes on? Where does true and lasting motivation come from?

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