• Career Coaching
  • Wealth Coaching
  • Personal Coaching

What Makes A Great Leader?

Good leadership skills are highly valued in today’s workplace. A competent leader can make all the difference to the efficiency and productivity of a team. But what attributes do you need to make that difference? What makes a great leader?

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What are you waiting for? Start Now.

There’ll never be a better time than right now to start working towards your dreams and ambitions, so what are you waiting for?

Do you want to change careers? Have you always wanted to start your own business? Have you been thinking about learning to play a musical instrument? Do you wish you could be rich? Do you yearn for someone special in your life? Have you been dreaming about travelling the world for a year?

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Level Up: 3 Key Benefits of Executive Coaching

Do you want to up your game and maximise your true potential both at work and in your personal life? These days, personal development for leaders and executives is more of a “must-have” than a “nice-to-have”. Executive coaching has become a powerful tool for maximising both individual and business success. But what are the benefits of executive coaching?

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Envy: The Green-Eyed Monster And How To Kill It

Envy can be one of the most damaging feelings you can have. Psychologists have discovered that the happiest people don’t indulge in feelings of jealousy and tend to rejoice in others’ success rather than resent it. Envy: the green-eyed monster and how to kill it.

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How To Take Charge Of Your Own Life

“If it is to be, it is up to me”. This eloquent and deceptively simple quote is attributed to African-American painter William H. Johnson. Born in South Carolina in 1901, Johnson overcame poverty, racial prejudice and a limited education to become one of America’s most celebrated artists. Here’s how to take charge of your own life.

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How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

As the old saying goes, worrying is a bit like riding a rocking horse. It gives you something to do when you’re bored, but doesn’t actually get you anywhere! Here’s how to stop worrying and start living.

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Make the Most of Christmas! How to Practise Gratitude

The Christmas holidays may be the only time of year you’re able to slow down, sit back and take things easy for a while. This gives you a great opportunity to unwind, relax and re-charge your batteries for next year. Here’s how to make the most of Christmas.

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Good Enough: How Perfectionism Is Holding You Back

Michelangelo perfectionism

Are you a perfectionist? Do you need everything you do to be flawless? Do you expect others to have the same attention to detail as you? If so, you may be suffering from perfectionism, and holding yourself back from achieving what you want.

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Don’t forget to reward yourself – you deserve it

Sometimes we can get so bogged down in our day-to-day tasks we fail to recognise the progress we’re making. Don’t forget to reward yourself along the way – it helps to keep you motivated and increases your chances of reaching your goals.

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Laying The Foundations Of The Coaching Process

Foundations of skyscaper

You wouldn’t build a skyscraper without first making sure you had a solid foundation, and the same goes for coaching. Laying the foundations of the coaching process is the first step towards successful coaching outcomes. Here’s how we ensure your coaching journey is built upon firm ground.

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Confused about your Career Direction? How to get Clarity and get Moving

Many clients come to me because they’re confused and uncertain about their career direction, and paralysed with indecision about where to go next. They say things like:

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How to Develop Yourself as an Executive Leader

Executive Leadership

You’ve got to where you are now through hard work, hard knocks and perseverance, and now you’ve reached your goal of being in an executive leadership position. But it’s not all bread and roses, right? Your responsibilities are huge. Your decisions and actions have significant impacts on your people and the organisation as a whole. You still struggle with personnel and communication issues, strategic direction, and a myriad of other complexities. It can be tough, but self-development is the key to meeting these challenges. Here’s how to develop yourself as an executive leader. 

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There is No Substitute for Hard Work

dreams don't work unless you do

We all know the famous Thomas Edison quote, “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration”. You could have a world of great ideas and even well-conceived goals and plans, but without actually knuckling down and doing the hard yards, success will remain elusive. There is no substitute for hard work.

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What are your core values and why are they so important?

core values

Our values are who we are at our core. Most people don’t have a real understanding of their own core values. When you discover what they are, and then consciously start to live by them, it makes life a lot easier. I ask my clients to think about what fundamental beliefs are most important to them, as part of establishing a foundation to work from. What guiding principles do you live by? What standards would you not compromise on? These are your Core Values.

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Does Life Coaching Work? Here’s What The Evidence Says.

Life Coaching

Have you been thinking about getting a life coach but not sure if it would work for you?

Reviews and testimonials from satisfied clients are great, but presented by themselves don’t provide sufficient evidence for the effectiveness of a coaching programme. You could have great testimonials from 10 clients, but another 50 who weren’t happy with their coaching. So how do you know if life coaching works?

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