• Career Coaching
  • Wealth Coaching
  • Personal Coaching

Confused about your Career Direction? How to get Clarity and get Moving

Many clients come to me because they’re confused and uncertain about their career direction, and paralysed with indecision about where to go next. They say things like:

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How to Survive a Changing Workplace

Digital workplace

The modern workplace is changing at an accelerating rate. Big advances in communications technology, artificial intelligence and automation are driving efficiency and productivity, changing our roles and the way we do our jobs.

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Hate Your Job? Make it Work for You

Hate your job

You may know what you want in your career, and be applying for roles you know will suit you more, but for the time being you’re stuck in a job that’s just not right for you. Hate your job? Here’s how to make the most of it.

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How To Absolutely Nail That Presentation

presentationDo you dread having to give a presentation at work? Will you do anything to avoid speaking in front of an audience? Do you worry that you’ll come across as incompetent or boring? Here’s how to advance your career and make sure every presentation you give is a resounding success. [Read more…]

How to get what you want: First, know what you want

successWhy do so many of us never start down the road to what we really want? Why do we let fear and doubt get in the way of our success? One of the reasons why so many people never follow through on their dreams and aspirations is that they’re too busy thinking about the “how” before they have thought about the “what”. Here’s how to get what you want. [Read more…]

5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills

communication skillsGood communication skills are increasingly important in the modern workplace. The ability to articulate your thoughts clearly and understand the needs of others is vital if you want to be successful in your career. You need to be able to interact in a positive and productive way with your colleagues, your boss, your employees and your clients. [Read more…]

Clean Up: Boost Your Productivity And Wellbeing

ProductivityHaving a clean and tidy physical environment, whether at work or at home, boosts productivity and enhances wellbeing. [Read more…]

How to Make Great Decisions

Decision-makingWe have more choices, both trivial and life-changing, in everyday life today than we have ever had in the past. A simple trip to the supermarket can result in agonising decision-making over what cereal to buy, or what brand of soap to choose. We also have a choice of careers and lifestyles our grandparents could never imagine. Here’s how to make great decisions. [Read more…]

Get the Job You Want

Now is the time to take charge of your career and get the job you want. It may be the time to evaluate your current employment situation and to seek out new and exciting opportunities. [Read more…]

Starting a Business – How to Be Your Own Boss

Be you own bossMany of us dream about one day being able to quit our 9 to 5 jobs and strike out on our own by starting a business. Very few actually turn this dream into a reality.
Here’s how you can be one of the few to be your own boss. [Read more…]

Finding Your Work/Life Balance

work/life balance

Finding your work/life balance can be a challenge. New Zealanders work longer hours than most other people in the OECD, which can make finding time to do the other things in life difficult. If you’re struggling to do everything you want in your busy life, there are ways to find the balance that you’re looking for.

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Take Your Career To The Next Level

Getting ahead in your career

First, decide what you really want to do in your career. Trying to climb the ladder to a job you don’t enjoy is a pointless exercise. Work satisfaction comes from doing the things you’re objectively good at and the things you enjoy doing (funny that!).

After establishing what it is you want in your work life, set your career goals. [Read more…]