Writing things down is one of the most valuable things you can do if you want to gain clarity in your life and improve wellbeing, and forms an important part of my coaching practice. Why is writing so powerful?
Just start writing
If you find yourself confused, directionless, or unable to make a decision, writing down your thoughts will help you to take control of your situation.
First, set aside some quiet time to write about whatever is troubling you. It doesn’t matter if initially everything comes out jumbled and chaotic. In fact I’d encourage you to write down whatever comes into your head at the time – concepts, thoughts, feelings, ideas, questions.
Once you’ve finished writing down these seemingly random thoughts, leave them for a day or so, and then organise your thoughts into some sort of structure. Use headings and sections, identify priorities, look for connections, edit and summarise.
Discover clarity and direction
For example, let’s say you’re thinking about a change in career, but feel uncertain if this would be a good idea.
You may find yourself writing about how you’re fearful of change, the possible benefits, the potential drawbacks, or how you’re not happy in your current job and that you’ve always wanted to try something new.
Once you start to structure your thoughts and can see them in black and white, things start to become clearer, and often you’ll find meaning and insight that you didn’t have before.
You may even discover new and exciting opportunities that you hadn’t thought about previously.
From this writing process, you’ll be able to formulate plans to get you to where you want to go. Once plans are written down, they become real – not just ideas in your head – so you’re more likely to follow through with them.
Help to overcome trauma
Another area where writing can have a beneficial effect is at times of trauma or stress.
Psychologists call this exercise “expressive writing”, and suggest doing it for several days in a row.
Studies have shown that people who write down their feelings and thoughts around a traumatic event are better able to find meaning and understanding.
This in turn leads to a sense of control and an improved ability to cope with the situation.
You also might want to consider a daily or weekly journal where you can write down your thoughts, ideas and progress.
This will get you into the habit of writing, and so help you to gain more focus, clarity and direction in your life. Life coaching can help you to harness the power of writing and to be accountable for expressing your ideas.
The simple art of writing can be a powerful tool, so make sure you use it.
What do you think? Let me know in the comments below.
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