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If you can’t find the answers, maybe you’re asking the wrong questions

can't find the answers

Do you feel stuck in a rut? Are you trapped in a situation you seem to have no control over? Do you sometimes feel you’re going around in circles and ending up in the same place? If you can’t find the answers, you may be asking the wrong questions. 

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Starting a Business – How to Be Your Own Boss

Be you own bossMany of us dream about one day being able to quit our 9 to 5 jobs and strike out on our own by starting a business. Very few actually turn this dream into a reality.
Here’s how you can be one of the few to be your own boss. [Read more…]

Kick-Start Your Life: Where Do You Get Inspiration?

InspirationInspiration – no idea comes from nothing. Every path you choose to go down, and every journey you embark upon, is inspired by someone or something.

Do you feel stuck in a rut and can’t seem to find a way out? Have you been plodding along in a job you hate because it’s easier to stay in your comfort zone than to look for something else? Are you struggling to start or complete that special project you’ve always wanted to do? Do you feel that excitement and passion are missing in your life? Maybe it’s time for some inspiration to give you the kick-start you need to get moving. [Read more…]

Change Your Habits – Change Your Life: Habits of Successful People

clockWhat are the habits of successful people? Anything that helps them to move toward what they want. Change your habits – change your life. How successful you are in life and how you feel about yourself are a result of the kinds of habits you’ve had in place over a period of time. [Read more…]

Motivation: How to get it and keep it


Do you have trouble maintaining your motivation? Do you go in with all guns blazing at the start of a project, only to find your enthusiasm waning as time goes on? Where does true and lasting motivation come from?

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Why New Year resolutions don’t work – and what to do about it


As a new year begins, many of us will be thinking about making resolutions. Unfortunately, a recent study shows that we’ll only be able to keep about 8% of our resolutions. 92% of our resolutions will fail! So how do you ensure that you can beat these odds?

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Finding Your Work/Life Balance

work/life balance

Finding your work/life balance can be a challenge. New Zealanders work longer hours than most other people in the OECD, which can make finding time to do the other things in life difficult. If you’re struggling to do everything you want in your busy life, there are ways to find the balance that you’re looking for.

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Turn Your Dreams Into Reality: Set Goals

dreamingWhat are dreams? They’re not goals. By definition, they’re abstract and fuzzy. The Oxford English Dictionary defines a dream as “a series of pictures or events in the mind of a sleeping person”. [Read more…]

5 Ways to Stop Procrastination

just do itProcrastination can stop us from achieving what we want. It can also cause stress, anxiety and a lot of time-wasting. If you want to stop procrastination…  [Read more…]

Take Your Career To The Next Level

Getting ahead in your career

First, decide what you really want to do in your career. Trying to climb the ladder to a job you don’t enjoy is a pointless exercise. Work satisfaction comes from doing the things you’re objectively good at and the things you enjoy doing (funny that!).

After establishing what it is you want in your work life, set your career goals. [Read more…]

Automatic Wealth Creation Guide

Wealth creation

Wealth creation is not important of itself. Money is just a means to an end. The more you have, the more options open up to you. It gives you freedom to do what you want in life. [Read more…]

10 Tips For A Great Life

happy life

Want a great life? There are plenty of simple concepts you can apply to ensure you get the best life possible for you. Here are 10 tips for a great life.

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The 3 Things You Need To Achieve Anything

Achieving goals - Bob Beamon smashes the world long jump record

Something I’ve learned over the years through research, study and life coaching, is that there are really only 3 simple keys to success. Everything else falls into these 3 broad concepts.

To succeed in any endeavour or area of life, these 3 elements must all be present… [Read more…]